Symbol - 0 +
Numerical interpretation -1 0 1
Logical interpretation False Uncertainty Truth

Alphabet naturally represents the symmetry of the system, is an international and unique (the symbols -, + is not found in the scripts of notation).

Convenient at hand calculations. When recording the linear expressions of symmetric ternary alphabet, it is recommended that the number of bracket.

For a concise record of symmetric ternary codes used alphabet of symmetric nonary system, with symbols: W, X, Y, Z, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. There is the option with the Russian alphabet letters: Ж, Х, У, Ц, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

Conformity with symmetrical ternary system

Nonary code W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4
Trinary code -- -0 -+ 0- 00 0+ +- +0 ++

Practical application:

  • Implementation of arithmetic operations:
    (+0-) * (-) + (++0) = (+0)
  • System Status:
    R = +0-+0-

In the imaging system used 14-segment indicators, which are equally suitable for display a symmetric ternary and symmetric nonary alphabets.